Saturday, November 14, 2009

Finally an update! :)

-slaps wrist- Bad blogger. Very, very bad blogger. I promise, I am still alive, and even with good news and lots of new pictures too. I just kept thinking, "I really should update my blog" and then forgetting the next time I had a moment to do it. I finally remembered tonight. :)

We found out on 11/4 (our third anniversary) that we're expecting a boy and a girl! :) I had a feeling that it was a boy and girl since about 12 weeks and even had a guess that it was a boy on the left and a girl on the right and that's exactly what we have. So, we have Jonah Christopher and Temperance Carolyn. :) I was also allowed to go off bedrest at 19w5d as well for a grand total of 7w4d of bedrest. I know I'll probably go back on it again later on, but it's been nice to get out a bit and feel like a normal pregnant woman. :) My husband and I went clothes shopping the other day and picked up a ton of adorable clothes for Jonah and Tempe. They're going to be so freaking cute. :)

Here's some pictures from our anatomy scan at 18w6d. First up, Jonah:

Profile #1 - chewing/sucking on hand
Profile #2 - still sucking on his hand
Jonah's feet, one straight up, the other tucked under
Of course, the scary, straight on shot lol
And now, Temperance...

Profile shot #1
Another profile shot
Her little foot
Her waving, looking straight at us
Finally, their heads next to each other :)
I love this shot of them together. They are Di/Di twins, meaning they have two separate gestational sacs and placentas, but in this picture it looks like they're cuddled up together. :) This is probably my favorite picture of them so far and I just can't wait to meet them!

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