The ultrasound was on the belly this time instead of internal, which was really strange. The detail just isn't there with belly ultrasounds at this point compared to internals, so I'm not going to post the pictures. The babies are much closer together than we saw with the internal ultrasounds though, which was kinda cool to see. Both heartbeats looked good and they're measuring 9w3d and 9w2d. Which leads me to...
My due date changed. I am no longer due 3/28, I am now due on April Fool's Day, April 1st. lol She took what I had been measuring with the RE and the measurements today and changed my due date since she's more inclined to go by how the babies are measuring instead of ER and ET dates from IVF.
My MFM appointment is on Thursday and my next OB appointment isn't for 3 weeks, on the 22nd. It seems like so far away. I guess we'll be trying to find them with the doppler in the mean time. :)
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