Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First trip to the hospital...

Yup, I spent all of last night (9pm Tuesday until 7am Wednesday) in the hospital. They do not let you leave when you are pregnant unless they rule out every little thing. Holy crap.

Basically, it started with a sneeze. I've been having round ligament pain since about 8 weeks. When I sneeze or cough, I get a sharp little pinch, usually in my pubic bone area, it lasts a couple seconds, then goes away. Well this time it didn't go away. I waited an hour and called my emergency line for my OB. The OB on call called me back and basically said that there's not much he can do over the phone and if I still have pain in another half hour to go to the hospital. Oh, yay.

So, 30 minutes later, still in pain (a 6-7 out of 10) we went to the hospital. They got me back pretty quick (I guess high risk, twins, clotting disorder are the magic words) and then we sat. We sat a while. I held it together through a girl next to me puking her guts out and an alcoholic on the other side that had drank a fifth of whiskey. Fun times.

Their main concern was making sure the babies were okay, then trying to find the cause of my pain. I had seen the babies last week but they still looked like blobs mostly, especially since the ultrasound machine at my OB's is really old and they did it on my belly. After doing exams on me and taking blood, they got me up to ultrasound to do a full scan.

I made my husband come with me into the room hoping that he would be able to see the babies since he hadn't gone to my first appointment with my OB. He chucked twice during the ultrasound and when I looked at him he smiled and nodded his head that they were okay. :) At the end of the ultrasound the tech turned the screen so I could see it and showed us both babies. Holy crap they're getting so big! They have arms! And legs! And profiles! It was absolutely incredible how much they look like babies now instead of little blobs. My husband told me that one of them was twirling around and the other apparently got a little started at the ultrasound and spazzed with it's arms and legs flinging out. lol

After the ultrasound my pain started easing a little but they still had a surgeon come down to check me out. They wanted to rule out appendicitis so they wouldn't send me home just to have me come back. They ended up sending me home after letting me eat (almost 12 hours after I last ate).

The one thing they found that kinda sucks is a subchorionic hematoma. It's incredibly small and they couldn't even really measure it, but my OB wanted me to come in in 2 days anyways. The ER doctor told me to take it easy and my OB has mentioned bedrest before in general. I'm hoping that they'll just want me to be cautious and that this will resolve on it's own. I was really hoping to make it to at least 22-25 weeks before bedrest.

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