Sunday, September 20, 2009

Bleeding and hospitals

So, we had our NT scan on Friday afternoon from 3:30-4:30pm. I ended up with two different techs trying to get the measurements since while one of the babies was posed perfectly, the other was insistent on staring at my lower back and not moving for anything. :) The measurements came out at .8mm and 1.8mm, which are normal.

During the scan, I was pretty uncomfortable. They were pressing down really hard, shaking my belly several times and just bordering on really painful. I just figured it was an ultrasound, there's nothing that can go wrong from this. I was horribly mistaken.

My husband and I came home, ate dinner, then laid down for a nap since he had just gotten back from Maui that morning and was running on next to no sleep. I woke up around 8:30pm, went to the bathroom and notice light pink spotting. I've never spotted while pregnant. At all. So I call my OB, she tells me not to worry and that it could be anything. Eventually the spotting eases up and goes away.

Around midnight I get up to go to the bathroom one more time before bed and I feel a gush. I freak out, run to the bathroom and there's blood everywhere. My jeans, underwear, toilet, everywhere. I yell at my husband to get stuff ready to go to the ER and he raced over there. We both lost it at the hospital and I was on the edge of a panic attack that I might be losing these babies.

Within 2 hours I had had an ultrasound showing both babies moving around and with good heartbeats (~160) and my bleeding had started to slow down. I had the head of the ER watching me and he told me that it was entirely possible that the ultrasound I had for the NT scan could have irritated something or loosened up something I already had (like my subchorionic hematoma from before). They let me go home with strict orders to take it extremely easy until my appointment with my OB on Tuesday.

I've basically put myself (with my husbands urging) on modified bedrest for the time being. It looks as though the bleeding might be starting to ease up, but I obviously won't know for sure what's going on until Tuesday. We've listened to the babies with our doppler 3 times since getting released and they're moving and have good heartbeats, so for now I'm okay, just worried. I can't wait to see my OB on Tuesday and get some type of answers as to what this is and how I can try and prevent it from happening again or getting worse.


  1. I have been following your progress. Hope all is well.

  2. I have been following your progress. Hope all is well!

  3. I have been following your posts. Hope all is well!

  4. I have been following your posts and praying for you. Hope all is well.

