I decided after laying down to try and make up for some of the sleep I lost getting up to test at 4:30am that I wanted to move my beta up. So tomorrow morning, I will get up at 5:30am (and probably pee on another stick lol) and go in for a beta two days early. They would look for ~100 on Sunday, so I'm hoping for ~50 tomorrow. This way I'll get two betas in before my husband has to travel for work next week to make sure their doubling.
Also, I'm already getting sick to my stomach on and off. :( This happened a little right after my beta last time before I got really sick, but this is earlier than last time. I don't know if it's my body remembering this part or what. My husband said, "Oh god, if all three took, Dr. M (my RE) is so babysitting for us." :) I got comfortable with the idea of twins last time before the miscarriage, but triplets honestly kinda scares me. Beyond all the health implications for both me and them, the pressure of carrying triplets to try and get as far as you can is a lot of stress I know I will project on to myself no matter what. First and foremost, we want a sticky, live baby this time. The rest we'll worry about as it's dealt to us. We're strong, our marriage is strong, and we have amazing family support. We'll make it through this. :)
ET Story:
I didn't really get the chance to go over my transfer since my husband planted me on the couch as soon as we got back and told me to stay there unless I had to pee for 3 days. :) That's way, way more than my RE tells you to do (he says to take it easy for the first day, then just no exercise, lifting, alcohol, caffeine, etc.) but my husband and I are just more comfortable being cautious since we're OOP and this was our last fresh IVF.
On day 3, my RE called us and told us we had 5 of our six fertilized embryos still growing and all perfect. We were so much happier knowing we had some rockstars and that they were going strong. On day 5, we went in for transfer at 6:30am, got changed and waited for my RE and the embryologist to come talk to us. I could see the picture as soon as the RE walked in and knew there was a quality issue because there was three blasts in the picture. For a little background, for our first IVF, we were given the option of 1 or 2 blasts to transfer. We picked two and both implanted, although only one had a heartbeat and grew. We told ourselves we would never put more than two back.
When our RE told us the quality of the blasts, I pretty much knew we were putting three back. My husband and I had discussed what we would do if there was quality issues. If there wasn't two perfect or even very good ones to transfer. The quality of our blasts this time was not the perfect 4AA that we had the first time. We had a 4BB, 3BC, and 2CB (I think on the last one, I can't remember exactly). So, based on the recommendation of our RE and the embryologist, we put all three back and hoped none of them divided into identical twins if they all implanted.
Here is a picture of the blasts that at this moment, are snuggled in and hopefully creating our live, sticky baby(ies):
(Left is the 4BB, middle is the 2CB, right is the 3BC)