Monday, July 27, 2009

5w1d - Ultrasound

My husband and I went this morning for our first ultrasound at 5w1d. My RE does them every week from 5w1d through release, normally 9w1d. Here's what we saw:

Two sacs. :) They're within the size range for this point in pregnancy (.5 to 1cm) and my beta is 6800+. By my calculations, it should have been around 4800 if it was doubling, but with twins it would be higher.

We're being really, really cautious since next week at 6w1d is when things starting going wrong for us last time. My RE is really optimistic that we have the issues figured out and calls me himself now for all my tests. We're just really hoping and praying that we see two little heartbeats next week and that these babies stick and become our live, healthy babies.

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