Monday, July 6, 2009

Feeling a little better

After the rough morning with getting our fert report and just being upset at our awful fert rate, I made a comment to my husband that when I was depressed I either want to shop or eat, both of which are bad. lol He told me I could go shopping if I wanted if it would make me feel better and I suggested going to one of the outlet malls here.

I always wanted a large Coach bag but never wanted to spend the $350-450 that they cost. I love my Kate Spade purse but it was discounted from $350 to $150 because it was an older style, so I was willing to ask for it for our anniversary. I knew that I liked some of the older Signature Hobo bags from Coach, so I decided to check out the Factory Outlet to see if they had anything reasonable.

I looked through all the regular sale stuff, then I spied the clearance section with an additional 50% off the lowest price. I peeked at a few different ones and then I noticed a bag with the Signature pattern fabric on a higher shelf. I pulled it down and it was the large Hobo I was looking for in black! I figured it would still be pretty pricey, but was so happy to find that it had been marked down from $350 to $110!!!

My husband is so incredibly sweet and told me to get it. He did a little retail therapy too (some cookies from Pepperidge Farm and shirts from the Gap Outlet) and we both left feeling a little more optimistic. We're expecting a day 3 transfer at this point and just hoping that our embies keep growing so we can transfer them back Wednesday morning.

We've even discussed putting 3 back instead of two if we have three and any of them have compromised quality. This is our last chance at a fresh cycle. We have one frozen from the first IVF to do a FET with and then after that, we need to consider our options with the rest of our loan money. Right now that's Donor Sperm/Egg or adoption (which we can't use our loan for and would take us several years to save up for). We're hoping this is it, but we're prepared that this may not work and we may have to give up at least half of our biological connection to our children.

1 comment:

  1. Oooo I love the coach outlet! I haven't bought anything in years from there but I used to go and now I have a couple nice ones!

    GL with everything! I hope the frozen one works!
