E2: 1650ish (this is a huge improvement from my 5k+ last time)
Lining: 10mm, +1 type (!!)
Right Ovary: 17mm lead follicle, another 7-8 between 14 and 16, 6 more less than 10
Left Ovary: 2 17mm lead follicles, another 7-8 between 14 and 16, 5 more less than 10
Right now, they're estimating around 20 eggs retrieved. I'll do stims again tonight, recheck tomorrow morning, then hopefully trigger tomorrow (Friday) night. I'll go in again Saturday morning to check things again after the trigger, then have my ER on Sunday! My RE will be out of town this weekend, so it will be the female doctor doing my ER, but my RE reassured me that she does a great job. He even said that she usually gets more eggs than he does, so I guess I can't complain.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for lots of perfect eggs to fertilize, a great fert report, and hopefully lots of embies to transfer and freeze. Lets hope we achieve a pregnancy this time that results in a baby and those frozen embies can be used for research into some really important diseases. :)
GL! I can't wait to hear your fert report!!!! I agree I really want to donate ours to stem cell research so I am hoping to have more than we need!