Friday, July 17, 2009

Beta #1!

I moved up my beta to this morning instead of Sunday since I had a positive HPT yesterday. I tested again this morning and holy dark line! It's about twice as dark as it was yesterday, so I had a good feeling about the beta.

I waited all day (went in at 7am, was home by 7:40) for them to finally call back. At 2pm, my phone finally rang and the nurse gave me the good news. My beta was 99 at 7dp5dt. They normally look for 100 at 9dp5dt! I go back on Sunday to have a repeat beta drawn to make sure it's doubling, then they should be able to schedule my first ultrasound for around the 28th to check how many sacs there are. :)

The one kinda blah thing is that my RE is starting me on Lovenox. My MFM didn't feel it was really necessary, but my RE is being extremely cautious and having me do that, plus low-dose aspirin and 6.4mg of folic acid for my MTHFR. I'm happy he's being so cautious, I'm just so freaking sick of shots. More than likely, I'll be on the Lovenox, once a day, until my third trimester.

I just want this baby(ies) to stick this time. We want this so bad and were so heartbroken last time when I miscarried. I so hope that we have the issues figured out and we have a live baby(ies) come the end of March.

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